Getting here

The McCarl Gallery is located on the campus of Saint Vincent College, just off of U.S. Route 30. The College’s mailing address is located at 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, PA 15650. If you use this address on your GPS, it will get you most of the way here but take you to the wrong side of campus.

After you pass the Visitor’s Booth at the campus entrance, keep left on Monastery Road. Parking Lot A will be on your left. The Fred Rogers Center is the large building next to the parking lot, and the McCarl Gallery is right inside the entrance on the ground floor.

Depending on the timing of your visit, you may be stopped at the Visitor’s Booth at the campus entrance. Tell them you are on campus to visit the McCarl Coverlet Gallery, and they will issue you a free parking pass for Parking Lot A.